Learn how to properly fill out all of the residential listing contract documents and everything associated with it. I listed my property for sale with a broker and the broker has done nothing about selling the house.Can I break my contract and list with someone else? Amounts specified in 5A(2)(a) will be applied towards any fees a buyer has agreed to pay Broker as specified in a separate written representation agreement. B. TXR 2406 can be used when the seller agrees to pay the buyer's broker through the terms of the sales contract. Amounts specified in 5A(2)(a) will be applied towards any fees a tenant has agreed to pay Broker as specified in a separate written representation agreement. B. The purpose of this form is to establish an official agreement between the seller and broker regarding the sale of a residential property. Contact information includes names, phone numbers, addresses, and other information for the seller and the real estate broker or agent. This form is a listing agreement between a property owner (seller) and a broker, granting the broker the exclusive right to sell the property. Seller will sign and notarize two (2) copies of the mineral deed.