INTRODUCTION: These guidelines are provided to assist an agent who is completing the Exclusive Right to Sell Listing. Kandyce Ellis and Chris Barnette review the Exclusive Right to Sell Listing Agreement.Curious how to fill out a listing agreement? This video covers the Tennessee Realtor Form Exclusive Right To Sell Listing Agreement. Please Complete The Following Worksheet. Listing All Debts Owed Which Are A Lien Against The Property. Notices of sale are published in the Mecklenburg Times newspaper once a week for two weeks and posted at the Mecklenburg County Courthouse for at least 20 days. A listing agreement is a contract between homeowners and brokers that legally establishes how a realtor will find a property buyer on the seller's behalf. ✪STEPS FOR Qualification… 1. Fill out the Affidavit for Collection of Personal Property of Decedent (AOC-E-203B). 2.