Read more on the Driver's License Points System in Michigan if you face a driver's license charge call 800-342-7896. Michigan state traffic laws assign points to your driver record once you've been convicted of a trafficrelated wrongdoing.Driving offenses with two or three points may not seem serious, but they can add up quickly. The time to fight them is before you pay the ticket. In the standard form it is a fillintheblank item. (It wouldn't surprise me if they routinely write in a time frame such as 120 or 180 days.). They are included to assist you and to provide you with a starting point for your home- selling transactions. The Board of Law Examiners includes a re-exam form with certified notification of failing bar exam scores. Judges and magistrates cannot assign or remove points from an individual's driving record. The Board of Law Examiners includes a re-exam form with certified notification of failing bar exam scores.