This is a basic listing agreement or contract if you will uh between you the agent and the seller the homeowner. Middlesex County Listings must be on CJMLS listing agreements.Other County Listings may use other MLS Forms with Mandatory. Here you'll find answers to the most frequently asked questions, downloadable forms to help you manage your lease, and essential telephone numbers. PURPOSE OF THIS CONTRACT: Seller is hiring Broker to submit the property (with its full address information) in the. Please fill out the form below and our attorney will contact you. This is a legally binding contract, if not fully understood seek competent legal advice before signing. BROKER is required to electronically input or deliver to TREND, or other MLS provider within three (3) business days, all changes of status to this. For help in filling out the forms, a tenant should contact the appropriate municipal administrative agent who sent the forms to him or her. Generally, landlords have a right to include a "no pets," provision in the lease agreement.