The MN REALTORS® form Commercial Listing Contract: Exclusive contains a checkbox at the top of the first page. An exclusive listing agreement provides that the listing agent earns a commission out of the sale price when your house sells within the time period specified.The Court has forms and instructions, for some types of cases, as a general guide to the court process. This guide provides information for insurance agents to help their customers obtain a Minnesota Debt Settlement Services Bond. The UCC Financing Statement Additional Party form (UCC1AP) form can be used in multiples to continue adding additional Debtor or Secured Party names as needed. We may file a lien at any time when an individual or business owes a debt to the state. The Minnesota Department of Revenue collects tax debts and debts owed to other government agencies in Minnesota. Form BD is the Uniform Application for Broker-Dealer Registration. Pretrial Release and Appearance Bond Forms. AO 205, Summons to Appear to Complete Juror Qualification Form, Jury Forms.