(Put one parent's name in each column and fill out when the children will be with that parent for holidays and school breaks.) Page 8. Use this form to ask for a Parenting Plan, Residential Schedule or Child Support Order only if parentage has already been established by:.Blank forms to print and fill out on your own, with how-to instructions for completing and filing. Use this if you are not married to your child's other parent. Petition for (Custody) (Visitation). This video walks you through completing the Parentign Plan form required in several types of Washington State court cases. A Parenting Plan is required in all cases involving time-sharing with minor child(ren), even when time- sharing is not in dispute. Family Court Operations Forms. Please fill out the form below and we'll contact you about Girl Scout troops in your area. There may be additional instructions for obtaining civil documents or additional documents you need to submit.