Each vendor must remit the sales tax collected and their "ONE TIME TAX RETURN" to the promoter BEFORE departure. All three sections should be filled out.Find and download Nevada tax forms, including resources and guidelines to ensure accurate and timely filing with the Nevada Department of Taxation. You can deduct a part of your medical and dental expenses, and amounts you paid for certain taxes, interest, contributions, and other expenses. A one time showing agreement can give an agent permission to enter the sale, it does not conform to contracts we accept for entry. Students will receive a copy of the plan form and a copy will be placed in the students file in the Nursing and. Allied Health office. An electronic manifest is the electronic format of the uniform hazardous waste manifest obtained and completed through the e-Manifest system. For locations that require it, you may enter the time zone in decimal hours. Only the display in the document will be rounded off; internally, the number retains all four decimal places after the decimal point.