There is no requirement that the listing agreement be on a specific form. This is a basic listing agreement or contract if you will uh between you the agent and the seller the homeowner.8. The Applicant Issuer agrees to pay when due all fees associated with its listing of securities on the Exchange, in accordance with the Exchange's rules. 9. Curious how to fill out a listing agreement? This video covers the Tennessee Realtor Form Exclusive Right To Sell Listing Agreement. Review a sample New York Exclusive Right To Sell Listing Agreement before you sign. Listing agreement with the Exchange in a form substantially similar to the agreement relating to ______ between ______, and the Exchange. Commercial and securities lawyers can use this document description to understand the purpose, characteristics and key sections of listing agreements. However, there are some common lengths that tend to be used in the industry. The most common length of a listing agreement is 6 months.