Upon signing of this Listing Agreement, the Seller agrees to personally complete and sign a Seller's Property Condition Disclosure form. A residential listing agreement is an contract between a property owner and a real estate broker where the broker lists the property for sale.The Salt Lake Board of Realtors is the Wasatch Front's voice of real estate and the No. 1 source for housing market information. Utah has a standard purchase contract, it's fairly simple. A land listing agreement is a contract between a land owner and real estate agent that authorizes the latter to find a buyer for the property. C) Sellers may agree to pay buyer broker fees and seller concessions in the purchase contract. See the Real Estate Brokerage Payment Addendum. The Salt Lake Board of Realtors welcomes new real estate agents, brokers, appraisers, and affiliates! Candidates should report to the test center at least thirty (30) minutes before the examination begins. UAR Forms Update – November 2024.