Japanese families along with their businesses marked a big part of the culture and community that these individuals brought to San Bernardino. NEW TAX COLLECTOR OFFICE HOURS: The Tax Collector's office is open to the public Monday – Friday from am – pm, excluding holidays.A modest mural in San Bernardino offers clues to regional history that is part of a larger story being told. Your computer must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed in order to view any of these documents. The Joint Agency Staff Report on Assembly Bill 8: 2022 Annual Assessment of Time and Cost Needed to Attain 100 Hydrogen Refueling Stations in. Fill out and submit this form. If you are a student continuing on your college journey, welcome back! Grant Deed on or about the date of this Declaration in the Official Records of San Bernardino County. The Japanese who emigrated to Latin America appeared to comprehend this very well. In the Gulf of Siam, Japanese aircraft had sunk HM battleship Prince of Wales and HM battle cruiser Repulse.