This is a tutorial of the California Residential Listing Agreement CAR Form RLA and I will go through it quickly so you can watch the video. The California Association of REALTORS form RLA is one of the foundational documents of the real estate business in the Bay Area and California as a whole.The Rent Registry allows the City's Rent Stabilization Program to collect data on rent-stabilized apartments, monitor changes in tenancy and rents. This is a tutorial on the leasee listing agreement car form LL and this is actually bunnel with the disclosure. A listing agreement is a legally binding contract between the seller (you) and the real estate brokerage that helps you sell your home. California Tenants – A Guide to Residential Tenants' and Landlords' Rights and. Property is offered for sale or lease or a reciprocal MLS; or (ii). A San Jose lease agreement is a legally binding contract between a landlord and a tenant that outlines rental property use regulations. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know as a new landlord renting your first rental property in San Jose and the Bay Area region. The Rent Registry allows the City's Rent Stabilization Program to collect data on rent-stabilized apartments, monitor changes in tenancy and rents.