Use the Sales Tax Paid in Another State {Sales Tax Form} (PDF) (DTF-804) form to claim credit for the state and local sales taxes you paid in the other state. This form certifies the purchase price and determines the sales tax you must pay when registering the vehicle.• Be a person who is 18 or older. • Fill out a court form that explains your claim. A One Time Showing Agreement is a commission agreement signed between a buyer's agent and a seller for specific named buyers. A quick overview of the Massachusetts Association of Realtors exclusive right to sell listing agreement. Welcome to the Suffolk County Clerk's Office. At one time or another either directly or indirectly, every resident of Suffolk County deals with our office. For example, the Listing Agreement authorizes a seller's broker to attempt to sign up unrepresented buyers who attend open houses or other property showings. HTML5 forms require no plugins or software, which means you can be up and running in no time with any modern browser. Support.