020) since January 1, 1995. Understand key disclosure requirements for sellers in Washington state and learn how to comply effectively.By law, most sellers of real property must provide a completed Seller Disclosure Statement (aka Form 17) to any buyer. Fill out all of this form and other papers you are attaching before you sign this form in front of a notary. You can deduct a part of your medical and dental expenses, and amounts you paid for certain taxes, interest, contributions, and other expenses. In today's video, attorney Darcel Lobo describes the Seller Disclosure Form, what it includes, and how it works. The return should include the tax due from business operations to the last day of business, as well as any tax collected on assets that you sell. Set up to receive alerts and reminders. To qualify, you must have an address of record located in the disaster area. 740) Prohibits funds available under this Act from being used to carry out a conservation farm option program.