Amounts specified in 5A(2)(a) will be applied towards any fees a buyer has agreed to pay Broker as specified in a separate written representation agreement. B. Learn how to properly fill out all of the residential listing contract documents and everything associated with it.Learn what goes into a seller's listing agreement with a real estate agent and what you should know before signing one. Want to get started with the easiest way to capture, nurture and close real estate transactions? Amounts specified in 5A(2)(a) will be applied towards any fees a tenant has agreed to pay Broker as specified in a separate written representation agreement. B. Designed to be used as an agreement to exclusively represent a buyer or tenant in a commercial transaction. Curious how to fill out a listing agreement? This video covers the Tennessee Realtor Form Exclusive Right To Sell Listing Agreement. A subagent may work in a different real estate office. Many forms in Texas are not available in a fillintheblank format.