Learn how to properly fill out all of the residential listing contract documents and everything associated with it. TXR 2406 can be used when the seller agrees to pay the buyer's broker through the terms of the sales contract.TREC is unable to advise you on how to fill out a private contract form. You should direct your questions to your sponsoring broker. A listing agreement is a contract between homeowners and brokers that legally establishes how a realtor will find a property buyer on the seller's behalf. Seller will sign and notarize two (2) copies of the mineral deed. Seller will fill out and sign the wire transfer details form. Contact information includes names, phone numbers, addresses, and other information for the seller and the real estate broker or agent. Note: The Texas Association of Realtors and TREC update promulgated forms regularly. Advise Broker of any tenants moving in or out of the Property;.