Below are seven of the most important issues that the seller can negotiate in the broker's listing agreement. This is going to be about the northern virginia association realtors exclusive right to sell listing agreement.An item that is listed in this Agreement as included or excluded from the sale must also be included or excluded in the purchase and sale contract. Any person licensed under this chapter may prepare written contracts for the sale, purchase, option, exchange, or rental of real estate. Many changes to active Listing Agreements require owner's approval, usually obtained in writing. 657. This section also provides space for the parties to specify the Listing Company and Selling Company. Do not present Listing Agreements to potential Sellers for signature unless the terms of the Agreement are completely filled in. A trustee acting under a trust agreement, deed of trust, or will, or the regular salaried employees thereof;. 6. This section also provides space for the parties to specify the Listing Company and Selling Company. A listing agreement is a contract between a property owner and a real estate agent who the owner hires to act as their broker.