Florida Realtors has pre-approved and standardized a few different formats of the listing agreement that we can go ahead and use both for sale. Many include a renewal clause, which provides an option to extend the listing period if both parties agree.This section briefly explains why the clause is included in the Agreement. Although the form does not contain any such provision, agents are cautioned against inserting any "prior notice" or "automatic renewal" provision in the form. All listings entered into CVR MLS as Active or Coming Soon must have an active, written listing agreement in effect to be entered into the MLS System. Since the contract between the agent and seller remains valid, the owner cannot work with another agent until the listing agreement expires. Going through personal issues, such as a divorce or death in the family. To the clause number in the addendum. For example, "This sentence modifies Paragraph _____ of the. Agreement. Sign the listing agreement and other required forms.