We recommend that you download PDF forms to your computer or network drive, and open them with the latest version of Adobe Reader before filling them out. Washington law (Chapter 82.12 RCW) imposes a use tax on vehicles purchased from persons who are not required to collect the retail sales tax.Access bill of sale form templates and learn how to transfer ownership of vehicles, boats, firearms, and other high-value personal items in Washington. Member Legal Services Tel (213) 739-8282. Our UTV bill of sale template is an exact instruction manual that guarantees buyers and sellers complete a legitimate and enforceable contract. All agents must have a Buyer-Broker Agreement (BBA) signed with their buyers, what happens when a buyer refuses to sign? We've outlined below the eight steps and forms required for how to sell a car in the state of Washington so you can sell your car quickly for the most cash. What forms must I fill out? You must first convert your out-of-state driver license to a District of Columbia driver license or non-driver identification card.