You must obtain a business license from Alameda County only if you are conducting any type of business, including leasing residential and commercial property. Most business owners will be able to take full advantage of e-filing.Completing the Business Property Statement (Form 571L). Appealing an Assessment. Business license will be mailed to the business address after the business application form is processed. Allow six (6) weeks to receive your license. At the time you apply for a permit, be sure to provide information for all business locations so that the CDTFA will issue the correct type of permit. Small and local businesses not only provide economic and social vitality to our communities, they also help accomplish Alameda CTC's purchasing objectives. This restaurant is located in a large commercial shopping center and residential area, and it is the only American restaurant in the vicinity. Registered entities will be notified via email of any procurement that corresponds to their registered NAICS codes.