We offer a full selection of credit cards 1 that can help you meet the unique needs of your business. Browse Our Card OptionsA business credit card may be able to help you obtain specific benefits, rewards, and cash-back offers for your company. If you accept the fee and complete the credit card transaction, a confirmation number will be generated. Your business must register with ADOR before conducting any taxable business activity in Arizona for transaction privilege tax (TPT) and withholding purposes. Simplifying your cash flow and financing large purchases is easy when you know your Visa® Business Credit Card has you covered! Make sure you're aware of any fees you may be required to pay before you fill out any business credit card application. Turn to our Business Plus Credit Card 1 to improve cash flow, streamline back office processes and earn generous rewards for your small business. Streamline your organization's payments through a business credit card program with big business advantages. Learn about our business rewards credit card.