Inventory records showing all purchases, wholesale, and retail, in the form of invoices that identify the amounts and prices of specific WIC foods and formula. Inventory records showing all purchases, wholesale and retail, in the form of invoices that identify the amounts and prices of specific WIC foods.Using a buy one, get one free promotion allows WIC participants to get additional quantities of WIC foods or nonWIC items at no cost. Authorized WIC Vendors must provide the name, address and telephone number of the Manufacturer, Retailer or Wholesale Distributor of the. Complete Section B if the individual is a self-employed farmer. The first step is to fill out several forms. This is not a complete list of rules and regulations regarding the WIC Program. Address of Business. Help pay for food; government benefits. USDA has made sciencebased updates to the WIC food packages the foods and beverages WIC provides to participants to support their nutritional needs.