When you total all the categories of start-up expense, you may be amazed at the total. If you include the purchase of a computer, start-up costs can easily run.For information on the bidding process, please contact the City of Dallas Procurement Services at: (214) 670-3326. The decision regarding business structure is a decision that a person should make, in consultation with an attorney and accountant. To become a buyer and gain access to all this and more, please fill out a buyer application form to tell us a little more about your business. DCAD mails the appropriate forms to all existing businesses each year. The forms are also available on the Forms page on this website. We are here to answer any questions you may have from buyer registration to day-of market events. Yes. Certificates of formation can be filed online through SOSDirect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The certificate should state that all purchases will be resold in the regular course of business.