If you live in Hennepin County. The cost of foods purchased in WIC transactions must reflect any specials, coupon discounts or other reduced prices extended to non-WIC customers.Food assistance is provided for low-income residents through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Learn more about SNAP and how to apply. "Change of ownership" means a sale or other transaction which results in at least one new owner of a vendor. Subp. 6b. Click Apply for WIC to complete an online application and WIC staff will call you. Perform work administering the services of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program. Find help with rides for health care visits, financial help for vehicle repairs, shared public rides, and discounts on public transportation. The following list provides the federal requirements for WICeligible foods. USDA requirements for WIC-eligible foods can be found in 7 CFR Part 246.10.