The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts collects management information for corporations and LLCs from the entity's Public Information Report (PIR). The transactional attorneys at Hendershot Cowart PC have valuable experience guiding business owners and investors through the purchase or sale of a business.The management structure must be stated in the certificate of formation. Looking for an overview of buying or selling a business in Texas? This guide breaks down the key steps and considerations you need. Businesses interested in becoming eligible to participate in the Hire Houston First program must complete the Hire Houston First Application and Affidavit. Under the revised contract forms, which become mandatory April 1, 2021, a buyer is required to deliver the option fee to the title company, not to the seller. GAC facilitates the procurement of goods and services in an open, fair, transparent, and competitive environment. View open procurement solicitations. Legal fees for buying business assets.