Here are all the answers for Purchase option for a dedicated fan crossword clue to help you solve the crossword puzzle you're working on! The solution to the crossword in the Los Angeles Times, and the solution to the L.A. Times crossword in your local paper.90 Startled scream : EEK! Like dumbbells : DENSE. Fear not, savvy fans! In this guide, we'll unveil insider tips and tricks to help you score exclusive ticket deals while navigating around those pesky fees. California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a law (AB 2426) to combat "disappearing" purchases of digital games, movies, music, and ebooks. It's easy to find a decent fan. At least a half dozen manufacturers make perfectly good and affordable fans that will last you a decade or even longer. The Year in Eater panel shares some fan fiction, speculating what will happen in what looks to be the show's final season.