Get the answers to our FAQs – or most frequently asked questions – regarding billing, service, water use and general topics. Middlesex Savings Bank is here to help you sell your business with our Tips and Insights for Selling Your Business: Life After the Sale article.If you buy a business in Middlesex that is already operating, you can bypass the many challenges of start-up and start enjoying cash flow right away. If the actual Due Date falls on a non- Business Day, you must select a Scheduled. Payment Date that is at least one (1) Business Day before the actual Due Date. BILL PAY - BUSINESS TERMS OF SERVICE. Shuttles feed into other accessible bus and rail fixed-route transportation services. Shuttle vehicles can deviate up to ¾ mile off route. A bank levy is when a sheriff is authorized to take funds from the debtor's bank account(s) to pay you. Where to Pay NJFSPC.