Owner will be responsible for completing tenants Certificate of Rent Paid forms (CRP'S) for the time period up until agent assumes management. The Members may change the name of the Company or operate under different names, provided a majority of the Members agree and the name complies with Section.The Agent agrees to manage the affairs of the Real Estate to the extent, for the period, and upon the terms herein provided. 3. How to Write a Property Management Agreement? This page provides access to the majority of standard templates related to contracting. Instructions: Instructions for completing this form are in red. This document is the technical companion to the Minnesota Department of Transportation's (MnDOT's) Contract Management Policy. AGC of Minnesota's Contracts Committee provides short form construction contracts for owners, contractors, subcontractors, and material suppliers. The LLC Manager(s) also run the business and daytoday operations. The Members can't legally bind the LLC in contracts and agreements.