Here are the steps I took to achieve this: Install the following Calibre plugins: DeDRM Tool, which needs to be loaded into Calibre separately. A new and improved Kindle for Mac with enhanced book reading experience and library management is now available to download from the Mac App Store.If you are buying it at Amazon site. You will get option to push the book to your Kindle Device, Mobile App or Web Reader. To purchase Kindle books, you can select the device or app you want the book sent to in the deliver to: drop-down. Sign into Amazon's Manage Your Content and Devices page and click the Content heading at the top. If you bought your Kindle online using your Amazon account, it is already registered to you. Get thousands of books on the Kindle? This full guide will show you how to effortlessly create and manage kindle collections in 5 ways. Hover over your profile picture in the header and click on Account Settings.