These are the official forms for use in Nassau County Court proceedings. The forms listed as orders are provided simply as samples.No information is available for this page. 2.1 The date of commencement is the date from which the Contract Time of Paragraph 2.2 is measured, and shall be the date of this. A. Account Information. The above forms are either local Nassau County Family Court forms or enhanced versions of official statewide forms for use in Family Court proceedings. The property and improvements which the Seller is agreeing to sell and which the Purchaser is agreeing to purchase is known as. Attach a separate disclosure form for each affiliated or subsidiary company that may take part in the performance of this contract. Nassau County Procurement and Contracts Management Department (PCM) functions as the central hub for purchasing and contracts management activities. Attach a separate disclosure form for each affiliated or subsidiary company that may take part in the performance of this contract.