The applicable DCM target deadline for filing of the note of issue is 12 months in the former and 15 months in the latter. This section provides guidance to Business Units on how to process payments to specific vendors or for specific types of payments.NASSAU, Bahamas The Government has developed an electronic payment platform for cashless transactions across all government agencies. AvidXchange's solutions allow users to unleash their teams' efficiency and save money through its cloud-based invoice management and payment automation suite. The Division of Human Rights complaint form is available at the below link. You may use this form to file and submit your complaint online. Healthfirst has been providing affordable health insurance to New Yorkers for 30 years. Compare this to a manual system of invoicing and dealing with paper checks in the mail. Healthfirst has been providing affordable health insurance to New Yorkers for 30 years. If a traveler is not using preclearance, upon landing in the United States, travelers will select "U.