Theme 1: Investigating small business Topic 1.1 Enterprise and entrepreneurship 5 1 The dynamic nature of business 5 2 Why new business ideas come about 8 GCSE Physics Equations Complete List - Free download as PDF File (.The GCSE maths formula sheet Z-card includes the formulae you will need to learn for your GCSE maths exam. Supply chain – the chain of businesses involved in the production of a product and its delivery to the user. Stages of the procurement process. Speed is a scalar, velocity is a vector. The quadratic formula is a formula that you can substitute values into in order to find the solutions to any quadratic equation. So how much did Jenny pay for each orange? Orange squash is to be mixed with water in a ratio of 1 : 6; this means that for every unit of orange squash,. 6 units of water will be used.