If you are purchasing it with no money down, are you just short on cash or are you trying to strike out on your own? How to Get a Business Loan With No Money Down?What Are My Options? Unique benefits: Lower down payments, flexible overhead requirements, and no collateral needed for some loans. Discover effective strategies to get a loan with no money down for your startup or small business with limited financial resources. If you're looking for a startup business loan with no money down, you may want to consider a Small Business Administration (SBA) microloan. How to get a startup business loan with no money: Evaluate assets, consider a cosigner, know the requirements, determine repayment ability. Commercial Real Estate Loans with No Down Payment. The Down Payment Assistance Program provides assistance to qualified first time homebuyers for down payment and closing costs associated with purchasing a home. When applying for a 7(a) loan, apply for enough financing to purchase the existing business and cover expenses for ongoing operations.