Complete the following sections: Check box: Mark a box to designate the purpose for the application and specify whether it is for a new business, a new. This publication is designed to help Arizona businesses comply with the state's basic tax and licensing requirements.Select from the list below to create a checklist pertinent to your particular business that will direct you to most of the business forms you may need. Businesses that perform the following activities are subject to TPT and must be licensed. A purchase order is essential to doing business with the County. Our office provides help with SBA services including funding programs, counseling, federal contracting certifications, and disaster recovery. Business Purchase-Sale Agreements. Online filing for Trade Names and Trademarks has been fully implemented and PDF forms are no longer accepted. After completing the form below, a local fleet expert will contact you within one business day to discuss your business needs. Welcome to the Official Website of the City of Phoenix, Arizona, where you can find information for residents, visitors and businesses.