You need a General Business License if your business is located in the unincorporated area of Sacramento County. Procurement Services is responsible for the purchasing of supplies and services through competitive bidding, as well as contract administration.Checks or money orders for business license and employee permit fees should be made payable to Sacramento County. Gov and register your business. Starting a business guide and assistance. Apply or Renew a Business License Online! Fill out the form below, and we'll be in touch to discuss how we can meet your Business, Tax, or Estate Planning needs. Step 1: Develop A Business Plan Step 2: Choose A Business Structure Step 3: Determine A Location for Conducting Business Step 4: Research Required Permitting Two terminals full of shops and services ranging from upscale fashions and electronics to give you countless options to find the perfect gift. Reminder: It's time to fill out the microTracker census with your 2013 impacts.