Owner's representative must receive invoices (14) days from the date the requested work was completed. The Property Manager shall manage, operate and maintain the Project in a commercially reasonable manner for the tenants thereof.A master vendor agreement is a contract between a company and vendor that sets terms and conditions the latter must follow while vending the company's product. Use this legal vendor agreement template to ensure that new vendors are aware of the terms of doing business with your organization. All procurement contracts, except Simple Service Contracts, must be submitted unsigned in SLCCBuy using the Procurement Contract Request Form. We'll help you craft the best vendor contract agreement for your specific needs, and help you manage that relationship as long as you need it. All procurement contracts, except Simple Service Contracts, must be submitted unsigned in SLCCBuy using the Procurement Contract Request Form. Phone: (801) 957-7780. Real Property Management Salt Lake City, a leading property management company in Utah, can help manage your rental property.