You can start accepting EBT if you run a small business that sells products that qualify for EBT sales. Here's a look at how you can get this to work.CalFresh Food is a nutrition program for California residents with low income that increases your food budget. It allows you buy healthy food at most stores. All of PCFMA's farmers' markets accept WIC-FMNP coupons for families and seniors and CalFresh-EBT. You'll be asked for your 7-digit CalFresh case number. You can find it on your EBT card or any CalFresh letters. All your California EBT and food stamp (SNAP, CalFresh) questions answered in one handy place. Top 10 Best Restaurants That Accept Ebt Near San Jose, California ; 1. If you are looking for a Business License or a Business Permit, you are in the right place.