Enter the TOTAL number of registers in the store. ​Completing and submitting the Application for Authorization of Retail Store as WIC Vendor Form (PDF)​ along with required documents.Complete the WIC program enrollment request form. Need help with food and nutrition? Call (408) 792-5101 or text (888) 413-2698 to check if you qualify for the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program. The City of San José offers exemptions for specific types of businesses. All your California EBT and food stamp (SNAP, CalFresh) questions answered in one handy place. PHFE WIC families can fill out the WIC Card Request Form to have misplaced, damaged, or stolen California WIC cards replaced. Every person or company conducting business in San José must register for a Business Tax Certificate. Stores that accept the WIC card have a WIC logo on the front window.