To purchase Kindle books, you can select the device or app you want the book sent to in the deliver to: drop-down. First, the solution: pretty simple actually.Just go to their website (Amazon. You've heard that selfpublishing for Amazon's Kindle is a breeze, so you go to their website and click "submit. From the Digital Orders tab, select the Return for Refund button next to the title you want to return. Unfortunately, the book is not available for purchase on Amazon US and UK. Instead, it shows as "the Kindle title is not currently available for purchase." Welcome to your new Kindle Oasis. This short guide will familiarize you with all of the features and functionality of your Kindle. Amazon's 1Click purchasing option lets you purchase and download now ebooks for your Kindle 2 or Kindle DX with only a single clickl. Find the Kindle eBook marketing strategies you need to stay ahead of the competition, optimize your Amazon presence, and boost your sales!