To become a Cuyahoga County vendor, you must successfully register in the INFOR Supplier Portal. Vendors must be registered in this supplier portal.Cuyahoga County is implementing a new supplier portal system. To continue as a Cuyahoga County vendor, you will need to successfully register in this system. How to fill out the Distribution Contract Guide for Suppliers and Distributors? Be shown preferential treatment in the distribution of overtime and that every effort shall be made to insure an equitable distribution of overtime work. This distributor agreement template lays out the terms for paying commission on the reselling or distribution on a service or product. This distributor agreement template lays out the terms for paying commission on the reselling or distribution on a service or product. Distribution agreements define terms and conditions that Vendors must accept to supply their products through specified Marketplaces. Our purpose is peopleâ„¢ and we provide HR, payroll, and workforce management solutions that inspire your people and elevate the work experience.