The note number goes after all other punctuation. Be sure to use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3) nor Roman (i, ii, iii).Number the pages in the top right corner of the paper, beginning with the first page of text. Spell out numbers that can be expressed in either one or two words. Examples: one million; ninety-nine; one hundred; fifteen hundred. Q. I'm editing a book that follows Chicago's general rule for spelling out numbers zero through one hundred. For example, "thirty-two children from eleven families were packed into three vans". Numbers and acronyms Chicago recommends using words, not numerals, for numbers lower than 100. However, in lists where many such titles begin with numbers, you might rather group them all in numerical order at the beginning. Try to get in the habit of sending out your message of gratitude within 48 to 72 hours of someone doing something positive for you.