Name Change Information - helpful brochure with information about obtaining a name change for you, or your minor child, and sample forms. To get the name change court order, you need to apply for it through mail or in person at the Fairfax County Circuit Court.To begin the student visa application process, the student must be accepted into an SEVP-approved school in the US and receive an Acceptance Letter. This manual is intended to assist persons who are involved in the administration of a decedent's estate in Virginia. Join the Park Authority and our nationally recognized team of professionals! 3. Vehicles – those titled solely in the person's name are considered a conservatorship asset. 4. The Fairfax, VA real estate market is known for its stability and steady appreciation. Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.. Pen name, A Virginia Farmer. Occupation, Railroad president. ArtsFairfax, a nonprofit, is the designated local arts agency supporting arts activities and opportunities in Fairfax County.