Disciplinary program, Inspire Arts annually stages 8 exhibits featuring local artists that engage patients, visitors, and employees. This general course in music fundamentals includes basic theory, sight singing, piano keyboard, creative activity, and student demonstration.Take a moment to send a THANK YOU, or a simple note of gratitude to our team and healthcare workers across the state, the nation and THE WORLD. First up, I'm out of town for Halloween, so we'll be missing our spot on Capitol Hill on Thursday morning this week. Thank you for your good work and witness this past weekend. I appreciate your compassion and individual attention to several handbell ringers. One donut on this menu in particular stands out, at least to me. Find out about the grantmaking process, the purpose of Minnesota's 11 regional arts councils, our current grants and their cycles, and more. First, the department apparently never got my forms. When we finish up on May 30th, we will have completed a record 130 school performances along with 20 public events.