These Pastor Appreciation Letter Samples are a great way for Churches to bless those who are serving the Lord in the calling of Pastor. I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for your exceptional service, unwavering commitment, and outstanding leadership in being a man of God.Learn how to express your gratitude and appreciation for your pastor with our step-by-step guide to writing a pastor appreciation letter. Thanks for the honor of inviting me to be your evangelist. Pray that we maximize our potential in reaping a great harvest to the glory of God. To help you create a sincere thank you note, we detail a few guidelines that are imperative, yet easy to follow. In this article, we'll explore 42 thank you message examples to inspire you to show your appreciation for your pastor. Dennis Oglesby, who led Camphor Memorial United Methodist Church in St. Paul, died suddenly on June 16 at age 64. Or you may go online to hnoj. Watch your mail this week for a special delivery containing a letter from Pastor Judy and a Commitment Card for your 2021 pledge.