Read on for tips to make your volunteers feel more appreciated. Put the spotlight on their efforts: Your "thank you for volunteering letter" should be focused on the volunteer's efforts, not your efforts.Letter to volunteer from (or a visit with) the beneficiary of the volunteers services. Let the volunteer really see, hear and feel the end result of their work. Suggested topics include expressing gratitude for their service, sharing hopeful messages, well wishes, and positive thoughts. We offer multiple convenient methods for you to submit a commendation. The Sheriff will review all letters of appreciation. If you did not get your hat for volunteering at an aid station, or another position, please email me and we will get one in the mail for you. Personal thank you notes foster a relationship with your volunteers beyond a one-time service event. We've created a toolkit (in English and Spanish) for families to complete with their Girl Scouts to show a token of their appreciation to their volunteers.