I want to convey my heartfelt gratitude to all the members of the foundation who work tirelessly to make the world a better place for individuals like me. We've broken down the process to make it easy.Follow the steps we outline below to craft your own thank you letter for church financial support. Greet the Donor Write to the donor or organization, not the selection committee. Your letter should clearly state the facts of your family's financial situation and your financial need. When appealing an award letter to ask for more financial aid, a college may ask you to write a letter expressing the reasons behind your appeal. In the body of your letter, explain your financial need in detail and how the assistance you are requesting will help you overcome your financial difficulties. "Thank you and everyone at the Friend to Friend Network. Your timing was perfect, we were out of money and it really helped us in the hard times we were having. It's important to write respectfully and in the right tone.