Learn our top 15 tips for writing the perfect thank you letter, browse inspiring samples, and get your hands on readytouse templates you can customize. What do you need to include in your donation acknowledgment letter?Get your guide to writing donation thankyou letters supporters will remember and more thoughtful ideas to show appreciation. "Thank you for your contribution of (insert amount of cash donation) on Date. No goods or services were provided in exchange for this contribution. Take a look at what makes a good thank you letter for a donation or use one of our provided templates to help get you started. Do your thank-you letters for donations truly convey gratitude? Sample letters, templates, tips, and legal requirements for nonproft 501(c)(3) donation thank you letters. We've compiled common types of donation requests, plus carefully crafted templates that your team can use to jumpstart your outreach. To make sure your donor thank you letter is wellreceived, read it out loud before you send it.