It was also easy-as-pie to hire Alpha-Lit. We collect and distribute millions of letters of thanks and support and send them directly to our active, reserve, and veteran military.This article explores the value of sending gratitude messages and introduces guidance and templates for writing them. We are honored to recognize California citizens who serve their community. The MPTF contributed to an astonishing 51 Make Music programs in 2023, more than double the number in 2022! An employee appreciation or thank you letter is a formal message from an employer that recognizes the former's contribution to the company they work for. An Oakland author shows gratitude for the city she loves. I want to convey my heartfelt gratitude to all the members of the foundation who work tirelessly to make the world a better place for individuals like me. Thank you for being the person I run to after a long, difficult day and making me smile. Thank you for the endless love that you radiate.