This packet contains court forms and instructions about serving documents on your spouse. This packet contains court forms and instructions about serving documents on the other parent.Cover letters and résumés are two of the most important documents you need to successfully complete your job search. Telephone Internal Affairs (520) 351-4750 and express your gratitude; or; Write a letter to the Sheriff explaining your appreciation for the employee's actions. Our mobile and web services allow you to obtain real time account information, deposit checks, pay bills, transfer funds, purchase on the go, and more. Welcome to the Adjunct Faculty Guidebook, which provides general information about Pima Community. College, campus services, and teaching. Retired Air Force Reserve Service members may be eligible for letters of appreciation. A thank you letter reminds the employer of your candidacy and allows you to reiterate your interest in the position. The letter recognizes military or Department of Defense civilian retirees with (30) or more years of creditable service for retired pay.