To request a letter, please complete the following information. You are welcome to use thank you cards, branded stationery, lined paper, or plain white printing paper for your letters.Spreading the word of Jesus and helping others find peace through beautiful letters. Please include up to 50 words of text. Learn what an employee recognition letter is and how to create one using the provided template and example. Read a touching letter from a family expressing gratitude to HarborView for providing exceptional care and a loving home for their mother. In this article, we explain why a thank you letter is important and provide examples and a template to assist you in creating your own. This letter wraps up the case or matter, provides key information clients need moving forward, and leaves the door open for future engagement. School-related honors to students and faculty; Small business recognitions to owners and employees; Community volunteer appreciation events. Do not capitalize every letter of a member's last name, except in the subject and signature lines.