In accordance with Local Rule. Writing a termination letter to an attorney requires clarity, formality, and a record of the decision to end the legal representation.A disengagement letter serves to make clear that a client has ceased to be a current client for conflict of interest analysis. This article addresses the rules governing California lawyers who seek to withdraw or disengage from representing a client in civil proceedings. An end of representation letter serves as a professional and ethical marker to indicate the end of a specific attorney-client relationship. Where your client consents to your withdrawal, have them sign a Substitution of Attorney (in California it's Judicial Council Form MC-050). This article provides a primer on how to end the attorney-client relationship ethically. Accordingly, it would be in your best interest to immediately begin looking for another attorney to represent you. Annual costs up to three (3) years of service. 8. Do you know how to find out if you are a beneficiary on a bank account?